
A Good Man Is Hard To Find

Decent Essays

I find myself missing the major hints or clues in a book, even if they are right in front of me. Usually, I have to read a book twice to finally understand why the story ended that way. This is the same way with “A Good Man is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor’s. The story is about a family who wants to have a vacation in Florida. The grandmother, who is the focus of the story, wants to go to Tennessee instead. She tries to convince everyone that there is a killer running loose down in Florida; the Misfit. They all ignore her and drive to Florida anyway. Without telling her family union, the grandmother brings her cat along for the ride. They drive for several hours until they stop at a restaurant called Red Sammy’s. She talks to the owner of the restaurant about how people are not nice anymore and “good men are hard to find.” They leave the restaurant and head back on the road, but the …show more content…

She convinces them to drive onto an abandon dirt road, but suddenly remembers that the plantation is in Tennessee instead of George. Her sudden reaction causes her cat, who is under the seat, to jump out and bounce on the driver. The driver loses control and the car smacks right into a ditch. Everyone is okay until a truck pulls up and three guys jump out. The grandmother recognizes one of them as the Misfit. He tells his two men to take the family into the woods, and one at a time shoots and kills them. Meanwhile the grandmother tries to kiss up to the Misfit to save her life, but nothing she says works. With being the only one not killed yet, she tries to talk to the Misfit about religion and Jesus. The Misfit opens up to her about his past and how he has done some thinking about Jesus. At that moment, she has some clarity and reaches out to touch him. He ends up shooting her three times in the chest. When the other two men return from the woods, he tells them “She would’ve been a good woman if it had been somebody there to shoot her every minute of

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