
A Knowledge And Understanding Of Cloud Computing

Satisfactory Essays

Task 1
Purpose: To develop knowledge and understanding of cloud computing.
Task: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing. Identify the key idea from the materials.

Cloud Computing:
Cloud Computing is an internet based service provide your business an updated model that deliver you a software, data access and storage remotely over the internet.
Advantages of cloud computing:
• Broad Network Access: You can access it from anywhere in the world anytime from any device.
• Rapid Elasticity: Whenever you need to increase volume you can do with in short time.
• Measureable Service & Reduce Spending Money: This service is pay as you go, it may depends on your usage, Storage, no. of users or hourly rate. Even you don’t have to buy costly IT infrastructure.
• On Demand Self Service / Resource Pooling: Whenever you need a service as per your requirement ex. with your business name, Logo etc., you will get it within couples of minutes.
• Globalize Your Workforce: People can access the cloud anywhere with an internet connection.
• Software as a Service (SaaS): In this service provider provide an applications to consumers over internet.
• Platform as a Service (PaaS): In this service, they provide you a platform software to develop or build applications.
• Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): In this service, service provider provide you virtual infrastructure like virtual desktop, server or memory etc. is provide to consumer you can use it anytime.
• You

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