
A Modest Proposal Rhetorical Analysis

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In A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift, Swift writes about a solution to the poor and starving people in Ireland in 1729. His solution is to fatten up the poor kids and sell their meat to the rich. Swift backs up his opinion with data and statistics that support his solution. All the rescreach and numbers almost makes the solution seem like a real solution. However, this is an extreme version of satire. While most people who read A Modest Proposal recognize the satire, other works do not make it so obvious. Satire can be used in many different types of ways and it can be the driving piece in a novel. Satire is mostly used to exploit problems in social or political issues. In A Modest Proposal, Swift is using satire to put the political issues …show more content…

Crike writes ¨Many people read the book far too literally. That is why I invoke Swift. For neither Swift nor his readers believed that there were giants in Brobdingnag, but that mankind can be brutal and the great may not notice when they tread on the small¨ . The novel represented more of a warning to the world about what could happen. The article discusses how the novel has many different layers of satire and how it is important to realize it is not a satire about communism. Satire in this novel is used to show what happens when a government has control of every aspect of people's lives. Although slavery is gone, there are still problems in society that are shown in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Women are still fighting for equal pay and there is still an imbalance in the equality of men and …show more content…

Political and social satire go hand in hand in showing examples of the past and the future. While social satire mainly focus on the current problems of society, political satire can represent a warning about the future. Both types are important to learn and understand when reading works involving satire. Putting a light on satire will help people understand satire better. Educating students about satire in schools starting at a young age will allow for students to grow up with a better understanding of satire. Satire can play such an important role in novels that it is essential that everyone understands the concept. Understanding satire will allow for people to see different viewpoints of today’s society through the authors’ eyes. Satire can add humor to a piece, yet that humor can be revealing something much different. It is important for people to be able to differentiate from the two. People first need to understand satire to see the historical importance of it or understand the hidden warning it can

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