
A Nation At Risk Essay

Decent Essays

Is our learning our or our teacher’s responsibility? In A Nation at Risk, it asserts that the students need to take responsibility for their learning. Increasingly today,l students blame their bad grades on their teacher and claim that no kid can get an “A” with that teacher, yet kids do. Nowadays, students, especially Americans, are lazy, and oftentimes their parents aren’t good examples either. Most human beings tend to blame their problems on others, where the solution, and root, of those problems can be traced back to that same person. Many students blame their lack of learning on a wide array of excuses. It may not be the classic, "My dog ate my homework," but it almost always a really lousy excuse. One major problem in the student body today is the lack of motivation kids have in their schoolwork. The most effective way to keep them motivated is an inner motivation within themselves, or an interior motivation, rather than parents and teachers pushing them to do their best, or an exterior motivation. The best ways to do this is to make learning fun and interesting (not boring), and to help them understand why they will need the skills they are learning are for. …show more content…

When people want something, they will try their best to get it. In the case of knowledge, if the knowledge is appeasing and wanted by the students, they will try their best to learn it. One of many ways to get teenagers and kids interested in something is to make it fun. Who doesn't want to have fun? I know that I always want to have a little fun. Some ways to make the learning more fun and interesting, is to vary the teaching styles inside the classroom. Switching between lectures, hands-on activities, videos, book work and more can help students of all learning styles to become more interested, and to understand better as

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