
A Note On Anger By Marilyn Frye

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Our emotions affect us in so many ways. Emotions affect the way we behave, our views and opinions, our relationships and our decision-making; therefore, they are very relevant to our day-to-day lives. It is important that people have an understanding of these emotions and that they are able to interpret them. Emotions can both help and hinder our ability to best live our lives. It is also important to realize that even our emotions are shaped and biased by our environment and those close to us. When someone is making an ethical decision they are going through a process of making this decision based on their moral principles. Ethics are principles of behaviour that inform people how to act in certain situations are based on one’s environment …show more content…

Frye is a philosopher and feminist theorist. Frye categorizes anger as a stereotypical male emotion. She examines anger from a gendered perspective. Anger in women is stereotypically thought of as being a woman who is upset or hysterical about something. “It is a tiresome truth of women’s experience that our anger is generally not well-received. Men (and sometimes women) ignore it, see it as our being “upset” or “hysterical,” or see it as craziness” (Frye, p.84). In Frye’s opinion, men see women’s anger as “irrational”. Men do not know how to handle women’s anger and sometimes even respond physically or just disregard it because they do not know how to deal with it. Frye’s discussion of anger, although from a feminist point of view, brings an insight into the emotion of anger and how it affects people. In this case, gender plays a significant role according to …show more content…

By this she means that one typically becomes angry when one believes they are correct or when one believes they have been wronged in some way. In order to have the right to be angry, you must have a reason to be angry. This seems logical, as the emotion of anger would not arise if there were not a reason for it. Certain people may get angry about something that others may not, based on their own biases and backgrounds. For example, someone may get angry if their roommate did not clean up after themselves. Another person may not get angry. This may depend on how they have been accustomed to living. One may have grown up in a household where cleanliness and neatness were of utmost importance, where another person may have lived in a household where this was of no importance. (Perhaps you can come up with a better example than

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