
A Note On B2b Sales Cycle

Decent Essays

If you 're not using -- or have given up on -- landing pages, then you 're missing out on a truly integral component of the sometimes complex B2B sales cycle.

Whether used as part of a lead or sales funnel... integrated into an email, PPC, or direct mail campaign... a well-crafted landing page can really boost your conversion rates.

Now there are potentially hundreds of specific steps you can take in order to get the most out of them. And there are, of course, various ways to test each page element.

Am I recommending that you ignore all the testing and tweaking? Of course not.

But if you want to get the most bang for your buck, you can 't afford to ignore the basics.

So without further ado, here are five steps to creating landing pages that convert.

1. Determine the goal.

The lack of a clearly defined goal is probably the single biggest stumbling block for most people. If your pages contain six different ideas, all competing for attention, then you 're in for a disastrous conversion experience.

For example, if you 've recently published three white papers, it would be a huge mistake to design one landing page for all of them. Studies consistently show that vague or competing themes are a huge factor in the overall success or failure of a landing page. So instead of cramming multiple ideas onto one page, be sure to create a separate one for each. If you follow this one step alone, you 'll likely see at least a double digit improvement in your conversion rate.

2. Keep

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