
A Nurse Leader Interview : Bessie Marquis

Good Essays

Christopher Dela Cruz
August 04, 2014
Nurse Leader Interview
Professor Caluya

A leader does not simply have a basic definition, but instead, can be described in various ways that have various roles. According to the author Bessie Marquis, in the book, “Leadership roles and Management Functions in Nursing”, in simpler terms, a leader is the inspiration and director of the action. A leader has various roles such as making decisions, acting as a communicator, evaluator, a mentor, a critical thinker, a teacher, a visionary, and many more of which can make up a leader. In order to have leadership qualities, a person would need to have great communication skills as well as critical thinking skills. It is important in the …show more content…

When there is conflict, she allows the conflict to be resolved by the different parties rather than stepping in and intervening right away. When a nurse is going through a difficult time, Suzanne, in various occasions, helped motivate them to feel better and to continue the tasks that need to be done by complimenting the staff and not making it seem like they are doing a horrible job. Suzanne is not a charge nurse that sits and waits for someone to approach her in order for her to help out. Throughout the day, when there was down time, Suzanne would make rounds around her floor to see if anyone needed help. As far as ensuring that everyone does their job, she assists and guides only when she needs to. She does not micromanage each staff member explaining to them step by step what they need to do as if they do not know how to do their job. Therefore, she does not put any pressure on the health care staff on exactly how things should be done. According to Bessie Marquis, a democratic leader promotes autonomy and growth in individual workers and that is definitely the type of leader Suzanne is (Marquis & Huston, 2011). As well as seeing what type of leader Suzanne is, observation included seeing how she plans, organizes, directs, and controls her day and situations. The first thing she does is plan for the day and decides

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