
A Pair Of Silk Stockings, A Shameful Affair, And The Story Of Hour

Decent Essays

What is social expectation and how does it affects one’s life? In the short stories – “A Pair of Silk Stockings”, “A Shameful Affair”, and “The Story of Hour” – by Kate Chopin from the novel The Awakening and Selected Stories of Kate Chopin, they uncover the expected roles and responsibilities of women in the early 1900s. Through imagery and diction, Chopin reveals that people tend to fall into others’ expectations upon their marriage and even before it, which leads to lose their personal freedom and gain desires in conflict with social expectations.

First, numerous people especially women in the early 1900s fall into others’ expectations upon and before their marriage. In “A Pair of Silk Stockings” and “A Shameful Affair”, two of their main characters are women, and they both fall into societal expectations about them where they later lose their freedom. For example, in “A Pair of Silk Stocking”, Chopin targets the social expectation upon one’s marriage where she describes the usual mother’s responsibilities by saying “A dollar or two should be added to the price usually paid for Janie’s shoes, which would insure their lasting an appreciable time longer than they usually did” () As Chopin utilizes imagery, this infers an image of what Mrs. Sommers plans to do as a mother, who she carefully plan her money to buy new clothes for her children. Moreover, the word “insures” means to arrange compensation for damage that is done to the event, whereas the word “appreciable” means large enough to be noticed. Yet, both connotes a stable lasting which further reveal that one of the mother’s roles that is expected by the society is to know how use the money wisely for their children without falling in debt. Thus, the responsibilities of a mother have overloaded her where she later turn in self-indulgent. Likewise, Chopin not only portrays how women fall into others’ expectations upon their marriage yet they also fall into it before their marriage. In the short story “A Shameful Affair”, the author describes the primary character as Mildred Kraummer, who she falls in love with the one of the farmhands. While Mildred meets him fishing, they accidentally give a kiss where the author narrates “He kissed her lips… Shame

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