
A Reflective Essay On Redeployment

Decent Essays

Enjoyment of Reading Being the sister of a Marine deployed overseas, in the middle east, is the reason why I connected with Redeployment on a personal level and enjoyed reading it so much more so than American Born Chinese. I enjoyed reading both, however, Redeployment stuck out more to me and I found myself excited for the next page to see what would happen next. That is a very rare occurrence for me, as I’ve enjoyed and finished few books. I enjoyed Redeployment so much because I can relate to it on a personal level, not for the same reasons as many of the other veterans here in class. I can relate to it from the other side of things, being a family member awaiting the return of your loved ones from overseas. The details in the book about the Marines traveling to camp Lejeune from Cherry Point, how slow the bus driver was driving and how they could see the families. Klay wrote I could’ve jogged down to where the families were. (Klay, 2015, p. 6) I noted that these details were very similar, almost exactly the account my brother had given us when he returned home from Afghanistan. The 1/6 Marine battalion my brother was a part of, also had to march in …show more content…

Imagine trying to find your family member in a sea of people all dressed the same with the same haircut. Chaotic to say the least. After searching for what seemed like an eternity, I had found him, we gave each other a big hug and then realized that in my search for him I had somehow lost our parents. We then fought our way back through the crowds to find them. He seemed very happy to be back, big smile on his face, joking around and telling stories. Maybe because at Lejeune, this time instead of a bouncy castle they had a table of beer. Any grown person would probably agree that this was a much better option. I’m sure my brother had gone through the same things over in Afghanistan as the Marines in this book did as well, we just didn’t talk about

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