
A Security Expert For A Large Insurance Company

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Information confidentiality, privacy, threats and increased use of information system have prompted organizations to start protecting their systems to ensure electronic, physical and network information security.
To ensure information security for this organization, a review of the company’s network, information systems and security policies must be conducted. In this report, I will be a security expert for a large insurance company. My job here is to assess the company, revise and reproduce the security policies, identify the risks, threats and vulnerabilities and offer recommendations to ensure protection of the company’s network and assets.
With the widespread of computer networks and the increasing number of …show more content…

Organizational Security
As a large insurance company with 70 employees and nine departments; human resources, finance, audit, sales, marketing, legal, customer service and IT support. With staff having a perquisite knowledge of information technology. However, there is no adequate security plan to ensure the protection of the company’s assets. This can be noted as the background security problem as it is expected that a company of this size should have a security plan which covers all assets .i.e. data, devices and employees from all form of threats.
Current Network Architecture
Within the company are 130 devices and a multi-layer network. The company offices are equipped with Ethernet-connected windows PCs within the local area network (LAN). There is a wireless network which allows employees to connect company-owned tablet computers and smartphones.

Below is an illustration of the network architecture described above Figure 1: The current network architecture.
Network Assessment
As shown above, we can see that network that the following devices are present
• A modem used for internet service transmission from the ISP
• A cisco router used to segment networks by forwarding packets from one logical network to another.
• Switches for interconnection of other devices to form networks
• Firewall which serves as the security of the network by filtering all incoming/outgoing traffics

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