
A Short Story : My Mother And Mother

Decent Essays

May 31, 2001. My mom and father separated. I was born. There was struggle and commotion everywhere. How am I going to support five children? How am I going to raise FIVE children, all by myself? I am assuming those were questions my mom asked herself when I was born. I do not know how she accomplished it, but I know she raised five children, practically, on her own. And by doing so she inspired us all that we can defeat the obstacles life throws at us even if they seem impossible or difficult at the time. My mother eloped extremely young, which was not uncommon because she lived in Somalia. The happiness she eloped for was turned into deceit and heartache. My father, who is about five years older than my mom, cheated on her, twice. The first time she forgave him but, the second time well, that was the last straw. The second time, around the same time I was born, my mom was so furious that my father had to leave the house and he was not allowed to see me. After weeks of separation, they finally attained a divorce and after that I rarely saw my mom. Once my father was out of the picture, my mom had to be the man and woman of the house. When she was not in the house cleaning or cooking, she was out selling clothing and other merchandise. And when I say she was selling products, I do not mean she had a store. My mother would go out, carrying all her products on her back, and going door to door trying to make profit so she can provide for us. The only times my mother was

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