
A State And National Board Of Nursing

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A. State and national Board of Nursing agencies are regulating agencies that oversee the granting of nursing licenses and renewal and approves nursing education programs. They are also responsible for the disciplinary actions on licenses for nurses that violate the nurse practice act. These regulating agencies strive to adhere to the protection of the public and ensuring safe practice procedures (OSBN, 2016).

Professional Nursing Organizations, such as the Emergency Nursing Association (ENA), are generally state or specialty focused. Nurses generally join these organizations to maintain current evidence based practices specific to their field, obtain continuing education credits, in addition to networking with other like minded …show more content…

“The emergency nurse acts with compassion, integrity and respect for human dignity while recognizing and safeguarding the autonomy of the individual”, (ENA, 2015). While this provision appears simply stated, most nurses find it difficult to remember their patient as a human being with intricate needs and basic human rights. As an emergency nurse, I have to keep these needs and rights at the forefront of my thoughts during the care of the patient during a very vulnerable time. Patients come in under stress, sometimes involuntary and at the most desperate times in their lives. I constantly have to make a concerted effort to communicate with the patient during a chaotic time, take time to listen to the patients fears and concerns and communicate those to the team.

C. While reviewing the Code of Ethics, underwritten by the American Nurses Association (ANA), four very distinct provisions stand out to me as an emergency nurse. Provision 1.4 - The Right to Self Determination: As medical professionals, it is ingrained in us to act as ‘healers’; to fix, overcome, cure or resolve illness, injury or any other deviance from the general well being and health of our patients. As ER nurses, we are faced with making choices and decisions in moments of haste, stress and at many times, with limited information. We rely on our knowledge, skill, experience and sometimes gut instinct to do what we think is best for the patient in

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