
A Toxic Work World By Anne-Marie Slaughter

Decent Essays

In this article “A Toxic Work World” Anne-Marie Slaughter (2015) argues that talented females and males are driven away out of the office in untied state society because of the extreme and toxic competition in the workplace environment, where women face the problem of having families to care for and men face inflexibility. Slaughter serviced on the faculty of the in university of Chicago of law school where she had a focus on integrating the study of international relations and international law She then moved to Princeton to serve as dean of the Woodrow Wilson School and she was the first women to hold that position she is also responsible for the creation of several research centers in the International political economy and national securityAffairs. …show more content…

In this article, “A Toxic Work World” the writer discuss a vital topic in the United States society. Slaughter talks about how employees who are driven away from work because of the struggle with the tension and exhaustion and panic attacks. Even she mentioned how the most ambitious woman are forced out of workplace because they are not eligible to work since they have families to care which a major inequality But the problem is not just for a women it is an antiquated and broken work system. On the other hand, she suggest that the only one who are going to succeed are those young healthy and relatively wealthy because companies prefer those type. Bad work cultural is a problem for everyone who doesn’t have the luxury of a twenty-four-hour caring for a family. Furthermore, women have major shortage in work place and men’s faces incapability’ were work place stated is for the “mad men era”.

The article was well written and organized thought. However it did had a bit of deficiencies. Although the usage of personal experience and opinions are existing but she also used a lot of rhetorical strategies. This overreliance made the argument and the tone sound little bit emotional. The introduction of …show more content…

The article does well provide details to support main point of the author argument. In fact, the usage of statistics and other people stories may reinforced the credibility of this article. Furthermore, because of the usage of clear language and key terms that were fine defined aids the readers in understanding the message of the text. The only downfall of the article is some of statistics is not well supported with evidence or a guidelines guiding us back the origins of these statistics, although the paper is not flawless, the overall strong point of it defeats it

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