
A Web Server For Online Shopping For Customer Due For Demand For The Products Essay

Decent Essays

TNE80006 -- Secure Networks
Project author: Akash Hegde – 101081462

Wear-IT-On is a clothing industry which wants to host a web server for online shopping for customer due to demand for the products. Company has decided to use Apache 2.0 on CentOS Linux OS. As the company 's technology is implemented by System Admin who does not have much of experience in terms of securing network infrastructure which makes the infrastructure vulnerable to attacks hence they decide to hire a Network Administrator who is having good experience with commanding knowledge over solution and designing capability to secure network and web server from attacks or vulnerabilities.

Possible threats:
 Apache Resources DoS: This is vulnerability in Apache web server which is implemented using version Apache 2.0.52. In this the attacker forces the server to allocate more memory space until server is either degraded or crash of the server. To harm the system attacker uses long headers to Apache server.

 Fork Bomb: This is a form of DoS attack where running process creates another running process until the memory is saturated with process and finally crash of the server or no new programs to open. In this even the existing programs slows down due to non availability of system resources.

 FTP Buffer Overflow: This is one of the most common attacks where the attacker uses Metaspoilt 2.4 on vulnerable computer thus overflowing the input buffer of USER command on attacking computer and opens

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