
ADHD Review Essay

Decent Essays

This review was conducted on the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Health Center page developed by The page will be evaluated on how practical and beneficial the webpage is on passing knowledge to its readers. This will be done by looking to see how well the site’s coverage of ADHD is, whether or not the information is really useful and current, and what the site’s objectives seem to be. The WebMD article on ADHD does a good job in explaining what ADHD is to the reader. The information that is provided is straight forward and uses very basic terms at the beginning of the page. At the beginning in its overview section it lets the reader know what ADHD is, that its symptoms differ, who is effected and for how …show more content…

The webpage seems to want to provide quality information to the user. There is a lot of information provided, so much that at times it doesn’t seem to flow well. At other times it was difficult or seemed time consuming to locate specific information. For example we can talk about the symptoms portion. From the main page you must scroll halfway down and select a link titled “Symptoms & Diagnosis” under the ADHD Guide section. From there the reader will be taken to a portion that is titled “Is it ADHD”. It provides four different subsections to choose from. Once the audience selects one of these four they will be taken to a page detailing the symptoms for the topic selected. These topics range from common symptoms to those displayed in adults. Once the reader does find the symptoms page they are spread across multiple continuation pages. The information could have been all placed on one webpage, but WebMD has decided to have a series of distracting, related content type links, at the bottom of each webpage. This is another issue that should be addressed. There is too many hyperlinks that are spread throughout the website. The hyperlinks surround the information the reader is trying to obtain. They can be found on both sides of the topic being researched, as well as the top and bottom. On the homepage alone about 22 links alone can be found on the right side. This can be very distracting for a

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