
Aboriginal Women in Canada Essays

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The issue of violence against Aboriginal women is my chosen subtopic that strongly contributes to the history of Aboriginal women’s struggle for rights and identity in Canada. To search relevant newspaper articles for this topic, the databases that were used were Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe, as well as Canadian Newsstand Major Dailies. The reason these two databases were chosen was because Canadian Newsstand offered articles from multiple newspapers in the country, therefore providing me with diverse news in different provinces other than Ontario. The article I obtained from Canadian Newsstand was Canada Called on to Stop Violence Against Aboriginal Women from the Leader Post newspaper in Saskatchewan. Lexis Nexus provided one article I …show more content…

He called for a national inquiry into missing and slain women. Premieres did not fully confirm a national inquiry, but promised to heighten awareness, and combat violence against the women.

Barker, J. (2008). Gender, Sovereignty, Rights: Native Women's Activism against Social Inequality and Violence in Canada. American Quarterly, 60(2), 8. Retrieved fro m ountid=15182.

Reviews the amendments of the 1868 Indian Act, highlighting the conflicts of superiority of rights to Indian men over women. Discusses the avoidance of violence and discrimination against women within communities and the need for an equal relationship between genders

Brownridge, D. A. (2003). Male Partner Violence Against Aboriginal Women in Canada: An Empirical Analysis. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 18, 65-83. Retrieved f rom DOI: 10.1177/08862605 02238541.

Using an empirical approach, Douglas Brownridge conducted a large-scale sample experiment between Canadian women, focusing on the significance in increase of violence with Aboriginal Women based on many variables. Violence against Aboriginal women increased at all levels of severity, and are more likely to be ongoing than other non-Aboriginal relationships.

Kyle, A. (2008, December 4). Canada Called On to Stop Violence Against Aboriginal Women. Leader Post [Regina, Sask.], p. A7. Retrieved from

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