
Abortion: Pro Life Or Pro Choice?

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Abortion has been a highly debated topic in the world for many years. It causes such an intense argument because of the certain circumstances that may cause one to want an abortion. Some circumstances such as rape are what make picking a side so complicated. Some people also think teenagers who get pregnant should have the option to chose, and others think that it is still not an excuse. There are many valid arguments for both views, pro life and pro choice. Pro life is a group who thinks women should not have the right to an abortion, and abortion is murder. Pro choice is a group that believes women should have the right to their own bodies and should be able to make the choice of whether or not to go through with their pregnancy and should …show more content…

Death is more common for the mother during abortion than people think. Any type of abortion, including emergency contraception can cause complications. Complications include death, hemorrhaging which can result in death, and scarring (Friedman 41). Abortion also can lead to excessive alcohol or drug use which can lead to death if it persists throughout time (Friedman 42). Another side affect from abortion is that women who have one have a significantly higher chance of contracting breast cancer (Friedman 41). Women who have had an abortion are 154% more likely to commit suicide than a woman who decides to go through with the child birth (Abortion 86) (Friedman 42). Women have a significant chance of death due to depression, substance abuse, or procedure complications during any form of abortion. There may be disadvantages to abortion, but looking at the pro choice side, there are arguments for this side, also. One benefit of giving the women the right to chose is that abortion is a justified means of population control (Abortion 137). About 43.8 million abortions are performed worldwide each year (Abortion 74). Therefore, the population increase if abortion were not available would be of considerable size (Abortion 132). The world's population is already large, and without abortion toning it down, it could get out of …show more content…

If women do not have the right to chose if they want to be a mother or not, they are not being treated equally and getting the rights they deserve. “It should be her right to life that is predominant in pregnancy” is what Katha Pollitt states in “Abortion: No More Apologies” (Pollitt 13). If women do not feel comfortable or safe enough to get an abortion if they need one, they will postpone it and wait longer. The longer a woman waits to have an abortion, the higher the risk (haney 49). Pro choicers think that women are taught to feel safe and secure in this world, and if they do not have the right to their own bodies, how can they feel secure. If women do not feel comfortable or safe enough to get an abortion if they need one, they will postpone it and wait longer. The longer a woman waits to have an abortion, the higher the risk (haney 49). Pollitt says that “legalization changed how women saw themselves: as mothers by choice, not by fate”(Pollitt 13). By this statement, she is saying that women feel good knowing they are not being forced into being a mother, but have the opportunity to if they would like. Some women do not know that they have other options and do not have to have an abortion to not be a mother. One option, which is adoption, was first administered in the 1700’s (Evans 41). Adoption is when all parental rights are terminated from the birth mother

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