
Accept GMO Labels

Decent Essays

In the article “Why We Should Accept GMO Labels,” by Dan Fagin, the author discusses exactly what the title states. Fagin begins by using an analogy to connect how GMOs are being viewed in court to McCarthyism, where either GMOs are either approved of or refuted by the science community. Fagin believes that there is no middle ground currently existing between supporters and opposition of GMOs. He then continues to give examples of why people oppose GMOs so heavily and critiques them slightly since he believes that genetic engineering is an important tool to help people around the world who are in need, but believes we don’t really need them in first-world countries. Fagin argues that one reason that GMO foods haven’t been widely accepted is partially due to large businesses, like Monsanto, using GMOs strictly for profit, rather than to help a population. Stating that mandatory labeling of GMO foods is not the answer, Fagin claims that a pro-labeling movement will begin in North America no matter what since it has already occurred for much of the rest of the world. The author defers to the editors of Scientific American who released an article stating that labels don’t educate the public on what genetic engineering in food actually means for the consumer and circles back to his statement that there needs to be a middle ground between pro and anti …show more content…

Instead of being worried about if the food in grocery stores has labels or not, he explains that it is much more important to understand what the labels would mean and to use the GMO food to help people in need since it won’t matter if it has a label on it or not as long as its nutritious. Fagin’s alternative point of view takes an overall passive stance on GMO labels in the end and says that the public should just accept that it will happen for GMO foods, just like it did for organic

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