
Accomplishments Of Alan Turing

Decent Essays

Alan Turing was a world famous mathematician and educator who is known for helping crack the “Enigma Code” and his work with computers and artificial intelligence. Alan Turing was born on the 23rd of June, 1912, in Maida Vale, London, England. Starting at a very young age, Alan Turing showed huge signs of intelligence. Although many of his teachers recognized his intellect, it didn’t mean that they necessarily respected the young man. At the tender age of 13, while attending the well-known and world-renown independent boys boarding school, the “Sherborne School” (located in the town of Sherborne in Dorsey, England), Alan Turing started to become extremely interested in mathematics and science. After his time at Sherborne, Alan Turing enrolled in the University of Cambridge, also known as the King’s College, in Cambridge, England, and he studied there from 1931 to 1934. On 1936, Alan Turing delivered a written paper known today as “On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem". …show more content…

After receiving his doctorate in 1938, Alan Turing returned to Cambridge, England and took a part-time position at a British code-breaking organization known as the “Government Code and Cypher School”. Whenever the Second World War broke out, Alan Turing was one of the leading participants in code-breaking against the axis powers (Turing would try to break the code of German ciphers in particular). During his time at Bletchley Park, the Government Code and Cypher School wartime station, Alan Turing broke the German’s Enigma Machine”, a machine that would transmit secret Nazi information that only the Germans could read. In addition to this, Alan Turing would go on to make an experiment called a “Turing Test” that was made to see whether or not machinery developed artificial

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