
Achievement Gap Essay

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The Achievement Gap There is a persistent achievement gap that has continually taken place within the educational system that needs to be secured. The National Center For Educational Statistics indicates, “gaps appear when one group of students out performs another group and there is a statistical difference in scores” (NEA, 2014). There is statistical evidence exhibiting gaps in performance between white students and their black and Hispanic counterparts in math and reading. Efforts to reach equivalence should start at home during early childhood and continue throughout the high school years (NCES, 2011). The Hispanic population is the largest growing ethnic group in the United States and comprised 16% of population in 2011 (NCES, 2011, …show more content…

Kara Lysy from the Harvard Graduate School of Education spoke to a group of educators on behalf of the Harvard University Achievement Gap Initiative suggesting that in the past she has made visits to the home of her students twice a year (fall and spring). Lysy’s hope was to open up lines of communication between the parent and teacher, learn more about the family dynamics, and to offer suggestions to the family in helping their children achieve success. Lysy states that, “family ties are important to success and assist in literacy and writing” (AGI Conference, 2011, Lysy). As a parent this sounds fantastic, yet in the real world it is not possible. Jade Beltran, Special Education teacher at Kohlberg Elementary in El Paso, Texas states, “this sounds like an easy fix but in actuality it is not. Teachers in the El Paso Independent School District are prohibited from visiting children at their homes” (Beltran, 2015, Interview). Beltran illustrated the achievement gap in comparison to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs by saying, “there is a prevalence of Hispanic students whose parents are working multiple low paying jobs just to put food on the table, education is not a priority for them” (Beltran, 2015,

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