
Acne Blackheads Research Paper

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What are acne blackheads?
What real home natural home remedies for blackheads would you need?
Acne is so common a skin disease that affects over 80 percent of mostly teenagers. Most doctors are very familiar with this chronic skin disease.
Acne can be divided into blackheads/whiteheads and red bumps.
The face and shoulders usually experience whiteheads and blackheads more than pus-filled red bumps.
Blackheads are small usually blackish or yellowish bumps buried into the pores of our skin. Blackheads are also referred to as open comedones. Blackheads are the initial stages of acne.
They precede the invasion of the pores of the skin by bacteria that lead to infections, swelling, redness, and irritation (pimples).
Numerous home remedies for …show more content…

This leads to blackheads.
Improper cleaning of the skin is another major cause for the blackheads to occur.
An improperly kept skin attracts the gathering of dead skin cells inside the pores, clogging the pore opening and triggering oil build-up (blackheads).
There are many other causes that include excess makeup, sunscreen and especially nutrition.
Acne home remedies for blackheads
Hepar sulph - acne medicine
Hepar sulf is a homeopathic treatment that is useful for slow-healing blackheads on the skin.
This remedy for acne can also encourage “blind” spots to come to a head and resolve themselves. Use as directed on label.
Pulsatilla for blackheads removal
Pulsatilla is ideal for blackhead spots that have emerged because of a rich and fatty diet, puberty, pregnancy, and approaching menopause.
Pulsatilla is very effective in treating these dark spots. Take as recommended on label. These can be found in natural health stores.
Corn flour home remedies for blackheads
This remedy worked for some people. Before going to bed, mix corn flour with an egg and apply to blackhead spots on your …show more content…

It is believed to heal blackheads and acne pimples.
Horseradish treatment for blackheads
Some people have received tremendous results from using the Beaver brand of horseradish on blackheads.
This brand of horseradish contains many natural ingredients such as citric acid, eggs, vinegar, soybean, lemon extract.
Put some of the horseradish on the acne spots for about 10 minutes and wash away.
You may repeat this procedure a few more times to get good results.
Fumitory for treating blackheads
Take 30 drops of a tincture of this plant, available at natural health food stores, 3 times daily.
It contains anti-inflammatory compounds such as quercetin and rutin, and compounds that may act as an antiviral or immunity stimulant.
This is one of the effective home remedies for blackheads.
Manuka Oil for blackhead removal
Manuka is the native tea tree of New Zealand and is highly valued for its use in skin care.
Wash your body with manuka soap before you go to bed, and apply manuka oil to the blackheads, and let it sit overnight.
Others have used manuka honey on acne blackheads for similar results. Manuka oil and manuka honey can be purchased online, and some nutrition

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