
Activity 4.6

Satisfactory Essays

Activity 4.6 - End of Module Questions and Analysis

1. What major trends are occurring in software? What capabilities do you expect to see in future software packages?

Like at first the computers were very hard to maintain. These days software’s have made it very easy to maintain computers. The major trends or changes occurring in software’s they have too much of flexibility, now used for daily communication. Also are used for security systems such as use for robbing(hacking). In addition Software has too much flexibility which \ has become one of the major attributes of modern software’s in the sense that, now developed software are becoming more easier to use .It does not really acquire tutorials or have to be thought before …show more content…

Applets can reside at web sites on a network server until needed by client systems, and are easy to distribute over the Internet or intranets and extranets. Java is becoming the programming language choice for many organizations intent on capitalizing on the business potential of the Internet, as well as their own intranets and extranets. The casual user will be able to download the applet on an as-needed basis by using browser software. This will greatly reduce the cost of having to install expensive software on the users’ PCs. As well, valuable resources such as RAM, disk space, expensive processors etc. will be freed up for other business uses.

6. Which application software packages are the most important for a business end user to know how to use? Explain the reasons for your choices

Word processing –handles electronic storage, editing, formatting, and printing of documents.
Spreadsheets – displays data in a grid of columns and rows, with the capability of easily recalculating numerical data.
Databases management systems – special software to create and maintain a database and enable individual business applications to extract the data they need without having to create separate files or data definitions in their computer programs.
Groupware – software that supports the collaborative activities of work groups. e-mail – facilitates the computer-to-computer exchange of messages.
Web browser – easy-to-use software

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