
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Distance Education

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Distance education has can be a great as well as bad tool to use in the educational system. There are many pros and cons to both side of the spectrum. In today’s world this is the constant struggle school, education faculties, along with any type of faculties that uses technology. They don’t wither or not to make the transition into technology or to stay in the old ways. One can’t blame them either there are many things that can contribute to a person wanting to reframe transition to newer technology. These disadvantages consist of lack funds, lack of focus, social problems, accessibility, and several other problems. In contrast what it has in disadvantages it makes up for in advantages. Distance learning can provide individuals along with massive corporation with great advantages. The advantages consist of factors such as flexibility, advancing technology skills, accessibility to thoughts who may have a tough time making it to class, eliminates some anxiety, better time efficiency, and allows one to learn at their own pace. In order to asses wither, or not distance learning is positive or negative one need to have an understanding what exactly distance is.
According to learning is only considered distance education when the teacher and student are not present in the tradition classroom setting. In other words if a student and professor are not in a face to face situation, in the flesh then it is considered distance education. Most of the time

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