
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Nuclear Engineering Essay

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COURSEWORK 3: NUCLEAR POWER A THREAT “Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been” – Albert Einstein INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING: Engineering is a branch of science that deals with production and improvement of technology. There are different branches of engineering that range from Aeronautics to Food technology. Engineering helps improve the condition of the world offering new innovations that make life easier. The only limit possible for an engineer to have is its imagination. NUCLEAR ENGINEERING: Nuclear engineering is one of the many branches in the field of engineering. Nuclear engineering is considered as one of the most multi-disciplinary fields. It deals with creating, destroying, analyzing …show more content…

In the case of Nuclear energy there are more disadvantages as compared to advantages. One of the most concerning problems about nuclear energy is its waste disposal. The wastes that are produced by nuclear reactors are extremely hazardous and needs to be disposed of properly otherwise any form of contact with these radiations can cause nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and at times even paralysis. The only way these radiations can be disposed are that they should be buried under ground. Even after almost 50 years of the disaster that had occurred during the end of World War 2 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki certain children are born with defects. This shows the radiation of this energy can be so fatal. This shows that they can provide political instability and also threaten the world if fallen into wrong …show more content…

It is considered to be the largest nuclear incident to ever take place. The Tsunami that took place struck three of the six nuclear reactors present. The radiations were all disposed on water and it will take more than a decade to clean the water without any assurance it would be clean to use ever again. The nuclear radiations can spread so far away as the reports are suggesting there were nuclear radiations that were found on the United States west coast that has travelled through the Pacific Ocean that link Japan and the United

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