
Affirmative Actions

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Affirmative Actions

Affirmative action is an action taken by an organization to select on the basis of race, gender, or ethnicity by giving due preferences to minorities like women and races being not adequately represented under the existing employment. To make the presentation of all these compositions almost equal in proportion to do away the injustice done in the past. The Supreme Company need to design an affirmative action program in the light of recent Supreme Court judgment passed in favor of affirmative actions to be adopted by various companies. Affirmative action is not free from controversies. It is one of the issues in the country, which has raked most controversies …show more content…

Before, going into this we need to look at the past discriminative policies adopted many companies, responsible for many acts of discrimination against minorities. Menial and low level jobs were offered to certain ethnic and minority groups. Even, woman was denied certain job categories on the ground of strength and their capabilities. This discriminatory policy adopted for so many decade has led to a situation where there cannot be a level playing field without taking certain affirmative action. Thus short-run violations of the rule are justified to create a more just distribution of benefits. In order to make an effective policy, the supreme company should be able to predict, as best it can, how many minorities and women it would select over time, without adopting the policy of discrimination. These predictions would constitute the institution's affirmative action in terms of “goals” (Anderson, 2002). It is for the supreme company to think in the public interest by maintaining such policy. For example let us take a very apt example; A Michigan farmer who grows sugar beets is relevantly different from his neighbor across the road who grows tomatoes. If the nation thinks a modest program of redistributing income is legitimate, then it uses a social security payout formula that gives disproportionate return to low wage-earners over

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