
African American Ghetto Research Paper

Better Essays

Ashley Konan
Professor Syed Ali
Sociology 3
December 10, 2014
Essay 1
The rise of the American ghetto and how gentrification most recently is changing it.
New York City, Chicago, Cleveland, and Detroit were one of the first cities that accepted a huge invasion of African-Americans from the South. These African-American migrants were optimistic of a better life in these cities. Later, the mass exodus of African-Americans from the South was an economic explosion in nature. In the following sections, we examine how the Great Migration in the 1900s changed the nature of cities and urban centers. The Great Migration arose between 1910 and 1970. The Great Migration, or the rearrangement of more than 6 million African Americans from the rustic …show more content…

They’re noticing that the ghetto is changing. The young professionals or the college graduates are now back and cant afford to pay rent. Why because rent is increasing and the prices of co-ops and the brownstones continue to go up. Gentrification is now the new black as people and it’s now seen in almost every neighborhood in New York City. The bodegas and corner stores are now chic restaurants, bookstores, and gourmet shops are now all over town and booming. If more individuals restore several components within an area, then the process of gentrification will become more mutual in nature. However, the same process also banished many people from the vigorous working class communities. Gentrification was met with violent conflict from New York residents. Some were not happy with the new changes and wanted their old neighborhoods. But the young professionals were happy that their were changes in their neighborhood. There was a potential to raise a family of their own. In the 1990s, they were changes that were important in the gentrification of cities in the United States. Corporate developers of the restructuring of the real estate industry initiated the process. Since the …show more content…

Gentrification was a reality in many inner cities in the United States in the 1970s. The effects of gentrification may not be opposing, as many would believe. The migration of the wealthier parts of society to the suburbs has brought important financial problems to urban cities. With gentrification attracting more middle classes, dropping the intense poverty in inner cities is possible. Based on the findings of The Double-edges Sword of Gentrification in Atlanta, people would continue to move out of the old neighborhoods because of change in occupation, financial issue with rent, but this motion did not result in massive displacement of disadvantaged residents. In resulted in changing a few rules such as decreasing the cost of rent so low-income families were able to afford to live. As well educating these low-income families to lend money to lower-market sales scams. Without a doubt, gentrification is not only associated with the entry of wealthier communities, but also with improved public, health, and security services, more job openings, and improvement in the environment. Gentrification

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