
African Americans And Racism Essay

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The American past, with all its racial discontent-of Native American; of the enslavement of Africans; of segregation based on culture and origins; of anti-Semitism, anti-Africanism and discrimination - underlines every conceivable interpretation of the violent fury periodically seen in our larger cities. To say that we are victimized by history-that is, both by the cards dealt by history and by an ignorance of historical context-means that we are subject to misunderstanding the nature of the disillusionment, anger, and hoplessness that exist in our country. I do not see complete, destructive form of nihilism, (Asante2003) Keywords: racism, discrimination, minority

Racism is a major problem that stems from prejudice. It is an umbrella …show more content…

The groups that are most affected by this monster is African Americans, Hispanic and Muslims because of 9/11. America started to embrace this ideology when the European colonization of North America beginning in the 17th century came to this land. The colonies came with the idea of subduing and conquering the land. They believe that the Native American were savages and needed to be civilize through Christianity and European culture ( The feud didn’t start with the Native American whom they massacre and restricted to certain parts of the land called reservations. The feud of racism is between the European and Africans slaves who were brought to American by slave ships. The belief is that Caucasians in intrinsic inferiority of dark-skinned people. Even in the Northern states the free slaves faced racism from Caucasian. Slave masters use the book of Ephesians 6:5 from the bible and other verses as well. (KJV): Servants, be obedient to them your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as to Christ. This is written in the bible, but taken out of context by man to justify his

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