
African Studies: African Experience Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

How do we undertake the study of the African experience?
In my research, to understand how we undertake the study of the African experience you have to start in the beginning of time which dates back hundreds of thousands years ago and go into one of the first civilizations known as ancient Egypt. Understanding where the people come from and where they are at today does not even cover a quarter of understanding the true African experience. To understand truly how to undertake the African experience you must understand the social structure, governance, ways of knowing, science and technology, movement and memory, and cultural meaning (The six conceptual categories). With these concepts you understand that in a cosmograph known …show more content…

This shows that civilization started in Africa. As much as Europeans try and take everything from us Africans and rewrite our history as far as the Christopher Columbus era, it does not matter because artifacts shows that everything was started in Africa. We use ways of knowing to prove that between the bones found in Africa there was civilization in ancient Africa. “Experiential Kin is when you grow up with someone, even though your not blood family that’s your cousin. You don’t have aunts or uncles like in America. You have the nucleus family then the extended family.” This is the reason villages were so important in the uprising of Africa. In discussion, before the Romans and Greeks had the idea of conquering the world, there were ancient Egyptians. Consisting of nobles, scribes, farmers, and craftsman, Egyptians created time through sundials, books through scribes, language through hieroglyphics, crops through farmers, art through craftsman. In addition, temples were built on with their own backs and hands, which is something that no man today, would be able to accomplish. The era of technology seemed to have just recently surpassed the dedication and hard work of the ancient people. As we fast forward in time we go back to the Christopher Columbus era. Europeans came to Africa and their mission was to erase all of the knowledge and power we had before their arrival.

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