
After The Reformation Dbq Essay

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The Reformation was a movement in the 16th century that was marked ultimately by rejection or modification of some Roman Catholic doctrine or practice and led to the establishment of the Protestant Churches. Although this was mostly viewed as just a religious movement, there we also many political and social aspects of it. In the beginning Johann Tetzel sold indulgences, a pardon for certain types of sin, the guilt that has been forgiven which was a position very harshly challenged by Martin Luther. Luther was later a German professor, but at this time came to be known as a seminal figure in the Protestant Reformation. Anyway, Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses which he wrote as a protest against the selling of indulgences. After this he was …show more content…

After the Reformation, a significant amount of social changes came to light. Nevertheless, this time in history, as shown in Document 3, wouldn’t have reached the success that it did without the printing press. This was a machine that Johannes Gutenberg invented in order to spread information quickly and accurately. Martin Luther’s message was able to be easily spread throughout Europe now. And, with people having the ability to access the Bible on their own, not only was the population of Europe able to study Scripture without a priest, but also, the literacy rate in Europe dramatically increased.
Following the Reformation, views of women were altered. They were thought of as equals of men, as shown in Document 4. Schools were made for girls where they could study the Bible. The wealthy were also attracted to the movement due to the end of indulgences, which had previously pressured the wealthy into giving the Church large amounts of money in order to “save their souls”. It seems to me that people back then did a lot of things that they didn’t want to and it’s difficult to bring that topic to realization. But, with this whole debacle ending, it made people feel more safe and secure with others as well as

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