
Against Universal Health Care

Decent Essays

Universal health care is a program where every one in the country has medical coverage for surgery, illness, and treatments that would cause problems with your health. The United States is currently the only industrialized country that has no universal health care. Universal health care is a controversial topic because people don’t know if they want it here in the United States. Some reasons why people might want it is because it gives everyone coverage as long as you are a citizen of that country. A reason why you would not want a universal system is because the coverage you get may not cover certain operations. Although universal health care may sound appealing, it actually has flaws. Universal Health Care should not be considered in the …show more content…

People think that it is unfair for others to be denied health care just because of their background. Even though this is a strong point for universal healthcare, people just need to realize that life is not fair and it is impossible to have healthcare as a guaranteed right. The reason why it should not be a right is because people will start to take it for granted and start to abuse it. Some forms of abuse could be that they will try to get medications that are not prescribed to them. Many people also think that since we are in an economic crisis, that we should adopt a universal health care system because it will put more money into our government. This however is false because adopting a health care system will take all other companies that currently provide health care out of business. This means that more jobs will be lost, more people will file for bankruptcy, and unemployment rates will go …show more content…

Every patients main concern when going to a hospital is to get a surgery to fix a problem that they have, or to receive prescriptions for illnesses and diseases. But a factor most probably are not worried about when they go to a hospital is how they are being treated. Doctors already have a difficult task to perform, but overcrowding the hospitals will cause them to be busy and possibly conduct their job with out the amount of care that is required. Giving out prescriptions in a hospital could also be effected. Patients vital medicine could be mixed up with someone else’s and cause even more harm. The wait time in a hospital for an operation is also effected by over population. In the United States there is already about a 2 hour wait time in each hospital that you go to (Mortal Peril). Adding a universal health care system would only cause that time to increase. There are some cases where the operation cannot be delayed because of excessive bleeding or a lady about to give birth. Both of these examples need to be treated within a certain amount of time or the patient could possibly die. The graph below shows how other countries wait times with a universal healthcare system compare to the United

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