
Ageism In The Workplace Essay

Decent Essays

Ageist views regarding older adults in the workplace are currently on an upward trend in businesses in the developing world. The term ageism is defined as the,“systematic stereotyping of and discrimination against older people because they are old.” It has been discerned that businesses avoid hiring people older than a specific age, as well as fire workers once they reach a certain age. Not only are elders being left out of job opportunities, due to their age, but a multitude of stigmas are oftentimes associated with older workers. While these negative notions vary from workplace to workplace, they most often times include the idea that older adults are less efficient, lack training in modern technology, place a drain on the company, demand higher wages and salaries, as well as lack the creativity and vigor that …show more content…

In a FORSA Institute for Social Research and Statistical Analysis survey, more than half of those over 60 who were polled agreed with the following sentence: "After age 45, you can hardly get a job these days,” and in a nation-wide FORSA survey in 2011, 20% of German residents stated they had experienced some form of ageism in a workplace environment. To combat this issue, Germany passed the General Act on Equal Treatment in 2006. The purpose of the act is to combat discrimination in the workplace on the grounds of age, gender, disability, religious beliefs, or sexuality.Thus, the General Act on Equal Treatment in 2006 made age discrimination in the workplace an illegal offense. To ensure age equality in businesses, the act mandates that all companies must have a complaints unit where if an employee believes that they are being discriminated against they are entitled to file a claim regarding the discrimination, and compensation may be rewarded. By enacting the General Act on Equal Treatment, Germany has been able to effectively curtail age discrimination in the

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