
Agency : An Australian Company

Decent Essays

Agency relationships in a business organization exist between the principal, who are the owners or capital providers of the firm and the management, who form the agents. To avert conflict between the agents, the management should seek to fulfill the duties and responsibilities vested upon them by the principal. However, management actions may lead to agency costs, which may be excessive or unnecessary emanating from the agency conflict. The agency costs may entail excessive remunerations to self, neglect of duty, empire building by the management, pursuit of sales growth at the expense of shareholder wealth or profits, inadequate investment of corporate resources in potentially profitable ventures at the expense of the shareholders, assigning excessive perks to self, manipulation of dividend policy rather than wealth creation, and employee welfare objectives.
The Wesfarmers Way, an Australian company which operates a chain of supermarkets, department stores, office supplies and home improvement, safety and industrial products, fertilizers and energy, as well as chemicals business is very much involved in reducing the agency costs. In line with managing the agency costs, Wesfarmers Way should ensure that the goals of the management match those of the shareholders to ensure that the business owners can initiate particular monitoring steps or incentive measures. This would ensure that the benefits accruing from the actions of the management are greater than the costs incurred

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