
Aging In Health And Social Care Essay

Decent Essays

Describe and discuss the effect of aging on the normal physiology of the cells
The human organism is a collective structural and functional integrated system. It consists of many components; chemicals, cells, tissues, organs and systems. Atoms being the smallest unit of matter comprise the cell. Cells are the basic structural and functional units that build the body.

Each cell contains the genetic coding that makes organisms function. A collection of similar functioning cells form tissues. Groups of tissues form organs, organs make systems and all of this together is the human body. Cells store DNA, which are the blueprints of the body. Humans have 46 chromosomes that come from parents; they create the genetic coding …show more content…

Transcription is a process in which genetic information from DNA is encoded onto messenger RNA, by unwinding the DNA and splicing exons and introns and coding them onto the mRNA so the DNA itself is not used directly. Translation is a process by which ribosomes reads the mRNA to determine the amino acid sequence of the protein.

Membrane fluidity is important for the normal functioning of a cell as it ensures free rotation and movement of proteins and lipids within the bilayers, certain limits must be maintained for correct functioning.

The cell has the ability to reproduce, this ensure the continuation of the organism as cells regenerate and repair. There are two types of cell division:
• Somatic cell division- cell division which increases body cells, involves cytokinesis and mitosis
• Reproductive cell division- results in the production of sperm and egg, meiosis

Mitosis is the process of duplicating nuclear material one cell becomes two cells. A cell contains 46 chromosomes, this is known as diploid. This process involves prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. Mitosis ensures the continuation of the organism and helps the body build and repair. Meiosis on the other hand is for production of haploid cells, 23 chromosomes, that together with another human, new organisms are created.

Effect of aging on

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