
Alcoholism Essay

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Alcoholism refers the drinking of alcohol to such a degree that major aspects of one's life are seriously and repeatedly interfered with. These aspects include work, school, family relationships, personal safety and health.
Alcoholism is considered a disease. It has known physical, psychological and social symptoms. An alcoholic continues to drink even despite the destructive consequences. Alcoholism is serious and progressive. It can be fatal if not treated. Alcoholism is a very complex disorder. An alcoholic who stops drinking for a while is considered recovering, not cured.

A person does not have to drink every day in order to be considered an alcoholic. Likewise, someone who drinks frequently or …show more content…

Some common symptoms of alcoholism in the early stages are constant drinking for relief of personal problems, an increase in one's tolerance for alcohol, memory lapses or blackouts while drinking, and an urgent craving for alcohol. In the middle and late phases, dependence on alcohol causes tremors and agitation only relievable by alcohol.

Most likely, a combination of biological, psychological, and cultural factors contribute to the development of alcoholism in any individual.
Alcoholism often seems to run in families. Although there is no conclusive indication of the alcoholic family member is associated, studies show that 50 to
80 percent of all alcoholics have had a close alcoholic relative. Some researchers believe that one inherits an addiction for alcohol. Studies on animals and twins seem to support this theory. One study suggests that a susceptibility to alcoholism may be linked to a gene on chromosome eleven.

Alcoholism may also be related to emotional problems. For example, alcoholism is sometimes associated with a family history of maniac-depression.
Some alcoholics have used alcohol medicate a depressive disorder. Alcoholics commonly drown their depressed or anxious feelings with alcohol. Some may drink to reduce inhibitions or negative feelings. Many alcoholics share experiences of loneliness,

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