
Essay on Alice Walker's Everyday Use

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Alice Walker's "Everyday Use"

In the short story “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker, the author portrays opposing ideas about one’s heritage. Through the eyes of two daughters, Dee and Maggie, who have chosen to live their lives in very different manners, the reader can choose which character to identify most with by judging what is really important in one’s life. In Dee’s case, she goes out to make all that can of herself while leaving her past behind, in comparison to Maggie, who stays back with her roots and makes the most out of the surroundings that she has been placed in. Through the use of symbolism, the tangible object of a family heirloom quilt brings out these issues relating to heritage to Mama, and she is able to reasonably …show more content…

Obviously, Dee’s family is not who is actually oppressing her. Dee oppresses herself in many ways by the limitations that she puts on herself with her family and new lifestyle. All of the choices she decides, to make herself a more well rounded person, to better fit into society, end up making her a deplorable person because of the harm that it has on her family. Literary critic Mary Helen Washington believes Dee is an example of a stereotypical “assimilated women who alienates them self from their roots, and cuts them self off from real contact with their own people and their inner self” (22). This concept explains why Dee rarely makes trips home, and shows that she is really disowning a part of herself by not accepting her family and past.

On the other hand, the younger of the daughters, Maggie, is portrayed as a more homely and loyal daughter who is deeply in touch with her heritage. On a personal level, Maggie does not contain the strong willed personality of her sister, but is very content with her family’s past, and the direction that her life is taking. Maggie is so accustomed to her strong family ties and the family history that surrounds her everyday in the house, that it is not a priority to have the quilts passed along to her. She does not need a tangible object to hold on to as her past. Mama knew that “it was Grandma Dee and Big Dee who taught her how to quilt herself”,

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