
Alternative Energy Argument Essay

Decent Essays

The Alternative energy industry in the United States has been at a steady rate of growth for the past decade, however there is still controversy over the use of renewable energies, their impact on the economy, and their impact on the environment. As controversial as the topic is, the argument boils down to a moral need to support environmental regulations, and an economical need to sustain domestic growth in the Energy industry of the United States. Mainly, the question is can alternative energy effective replace fossil fuels? There are of course arguments for both sides of this question. One faction would say, yes, of course alternative energies can effectively replace our current use of fossil fuels. One such supporter on this stance is …show more content…

Robert Lyman, Principal at ENTRANS Policy Research Group, Inc., stated in an article published by Friends of Science stated, “oil provides 95% of the fuel demands in the transportation sector.” He continues with the argument by speaking about how the cost of our current energy sources are so cheap, and we rely on them so heavily, that there is no immediate economic need to shift. A second proponent of not supporting alternative energies is Gary Wolfram, Professor of Economics and Public Policy at Hillsdale College. He stated in an article from May of 2016, “There has certainly been improvements in renewable energy sources over the last decade. However, the idea that there will be no need for coal or oil in 15 years is simply not believable.” Aside from these arguments, there are those who believe that our use of fossil fuels will never cease to halt fully, because new technologies to drill and frack are developing every year, keeping costs of production …show more content…

Overwhelmingly, economists seek to answer how much job creation and Gross Domestic Product growth would come from a shift toward alternative energy. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) based in Dubai has just released a report that says jobs in the solar and renewable energy sectors are increasing faster than employment opportunities in fossil fuel industry for the first time. It says 8.1 million people worldwide had jobs in the clean energy in 2015, up from 7.7 million in 2014, according to Bloomberg. And according to the U.S Bureau of Statistics Employment grew six percent in solar and slumped 18 percent in upstream oil and gas and support

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