
Alumni Case Study

Decent Essays

A few alumni were told to leave campus by the university president and campus police chief for handing out a petition to the board of directors.

The group, who call themselves Concerned UST Alumni, posted a video and audio of the incident on YouTube on Nov. 2.

In part of the video, the alumni can be seen greeting a board member as he walks through the door before the Oct. 27 meeting, and handling him a package and saying, "This is from the alumni."

"Oh, thank you," replies the board member. He continues walking past the alumni into the board room in Mallory. Later in the video, university staff can be seen physically blocking the alumni from handing packets to board members as they walk in. The staff escort the board members away from the …show more content…

Tate tells one of the alumni Mary Malone, "You have to leave now, unless you want to be placed under arrest for trespassing."

"After all these years and two degrees, you're kicking me off the property?" asks Malone.

"Yes, for what you're doing," says Ivany.

"For trying to communicate directly with the board members?" asks Malone.

"Correct, yes." replies Ivany.

When Malone asks what's wrong with communicating directly with board members, Ivany said that he is not willing to discuss it. Malone states in the video that she has asked the Board Chair Herbert Edmundson to share their petition with the board and he refused.

"I'm sorry, you'll have to find another way then," says Ivany.

"This is our other way," says Malone.

"But this is private property," says Tate, "we have the option to say 'leave' if that's what we need to do...I'm asking you leave the area, this building..."

The beginning of the YouTube video is audio only, and Malone can be heard telling someone, "We're not disrupting this meeting. The meeting has not started yet."

"Once the board meeting starts, you're going to leave, right?" someone

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