
Alzheimer 's And Alzheimer Dementia

Decent Essays

Some alternate names for Alzeheimer 's include Alzheimer dementia (AD), Alzheimer dementiia, syndrome, and sclerosis. The name of the disease was chosen after Dr. Aloysius Alzheimer was credited with discovering the first case of presenile dementia. This would later be called Alzheimer 's disease in honor of Dr. Alzheimer 's discovery. In the year of 1901, Dr. Alzheimer was studying a 51-year-old patient named Auguste Deter. The patient was suffering from strage behavioral patterns of symptoms. One of the symptoms included the loss of short-term memory. Over the next several years after he passed, Dr. Alheimer would devote a lot of his time to this patient where he bought his brain to work on in Kraeplin 's lab. "With two Italian …show more content…

People who suffer from Down Syndrome tend to be at larger risk for early-onset because they tend to age faster. The early-onset form appears to be traced back to defect in a specific area of a patient 's DNA: chromosome 14.Trisomy is when an extra copy of a chromosome is present in the cell nuclei. This later causes developmental abnormalities. Myoclonus is the form of muscle spasm and twitching which is more common is this disorder. The inheritance pattern of the late and early-onset Alzheimer disease is still unknown. "People who inherit one copy of the APOE e4 allele have an increased chance of developing the disease; those who inherit two copies of the allele are at even greater risk" (Steve). A major symptom of Alzheimer 's Disease includes the loss of abstract thinking. In conclusion, the person will lose the ability to solve problems and draw conclusions. Disorientation is also a major symptom which includes when one can become lost on a familiar street nut do not know how to get back home because he or she forgot where they lived. The lack of initiative takes place where person may become unmotivated or passive. Not pursuing their usual activities is a sign from this. Language problems occur where the person often forgets simple everyday vocabulary. Other symptoms include when one misplaces their items such as wallets and phones and at times puts them in odd places. Another one is mood swings where person can have rapid mood swings for no

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