
Alzheimers Disease : The Cause And Effects Of Alzheimer's Disease

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Alzheimer's disease affects around 850,000 and is most common. The cause of the disease is still not found but there are plenty of factors that filter in to increasing a person's chance of developing the condition. Strokes can damage the brain therefore causing dementia, diseases are another factor which can damage the brain, increasing age, family history of the condition and head injuries. Alzheimer's is a condition that progresses over time and the further along the more developed the symptoms are, the first signs are slight memory problems like forgetting names. The more the condition develops the worse the memory loss becomes, and other symptoms begin to develop as it affects the brain in several areas therefore it can cause confusion, problems with speech and language, hallucinations and personality changes. ( Vascular dementia is common due to the reduced blood flow to the brain and it affects 150,000 people in the UK, it usually gets worse over time but there are ways of slowing it down. The word dementia is used for problems with mental abilities that changes and damages the brain. Common signs usually consist of the same as Alzheimer's but also slowness of thought, difficulty understanding, lack of concentration, behaviour changes and lack of balance. ( Pick's disease also known as frontotemporal dementia is uncommon and

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