
Ambition Essay

Decent Essays

Ambition is a strong desire to do or achieve something. Many people view ambition as a positive aspect, many do not. The great things that people have accomplished are driven by ambition. Yet, too much ambition can drive someone to have very destructive actions. Ambition is a negative trait based on the fact that it gives you a careless attitude and gets you wealthy but not exactly satisfied.

Ambition can cause you to be self-absorbed and give you a careless attitude toward your family or the important aspects of life. “It means you care more about getting ahead rather than about your kids or your wife or your husband”(Gale). Ambition can cause you care more about “climbing the corporate ladder” or try to “win that next marathon” rather …show more content…

Genuine happiness is not brought by wealth and power, it is brought by family or pets.“Some people think that ambitious people are selfish and are never satisfied because they always want more.” Despite the fact that ambitious people may have the best car, or the greatest house in the neighborhood, this does not guarantee true happiness in life. Materialistic items are only temporary, the happiness you get from a new Audi A3 Sedan is only for a brief time. The happiness you get from marrying the love of your life is until the end of time. Ambitious people are continually working on the next goal or dream. This means they rarely have time for their kids or their wives or husbands. This may divide the family, lead to divorce, where the kids and adults endure suffering . “...but not enough to spend all your time working for your loved ones instead of spending time with them.” Your ambition may be driven by the need to provide for your family, or ensure that your family is financially stable. The time spent constantly searching for another way to get a check can cut into the time you can be spending with your family. Ambition is a negative trait because it gives you a careless attitude and gets you wealthy but not exactly happy. Those with ambition may have the best car or the best house yet may not be completely happy. Yes, ambition can be a extremely constructive part of one's life, but for

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