
America 's Vaping Revolution : How Suspicious Should We Really Be Of The E Cigarette Craze

Satisfactory Essays

A major issues we face today is how un-informed people are on the vaping world also known as e-cigarettes. For that I have chosen an article called America’s vaping revolution: How suspicious should we really be of the e-cigarette craze by Noah Charney posted on Sunday, Dec 7th, 2014. This article is about what e-cigarettes are, where they came from and their uses and effects that they can cause. I’m choosing this article because vaping (smoking E-cigarettes) is something that not a lot of people understand. Some people believe it is bad for you and that it won’t help stop smoking and that it can still cause health issues. Other things include the cost; some say it cost less than cigarettes and should e-cigs not be allowed in certain places. Most people are not informed about vaping on if it’s truly harmful or not they just assume it’s the same as smoking a cigarettes and that’s all it is but over the years it has changed a lot.

In this article there are three major issues that should be touched on. These three things are things I find to be wrong. First of all it states that vaping is allowed almost anywhere which is far from true in anyway. Second it claims that smoking electronically is much less expensive than smoking actual cigarettes which on most levels is not true. Lastly it says that smoking electronically can be just as bad for you as smoking an actual cigarette and can cause the same effects as really smoking when there are really not any bad effects to it. So

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