
American Body Image

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Body image is a very important aspect of American life. It impacts everyone one way or another. The media exploits many pictures that can be construed as the ideal body type. Americans are consumed by the media because of the rise of technology usage. Most adults and teenagers own smart phones which allows for ease of technology use. Closely related, body image and the media can not be ignored. Furthermore, media has a negative impact on Americans perception of body image. Americans' perception of body image may have different views according to how each person defines image. Body image is how a person sees themselves in the mirror or when they picture themselves in reality. (9). It is also how a person perceives their body, which …show more content…

Not only for teenagers, but adults too. “The heaviest social media users admitted to checking their social media feeds more than 100 times a day,” and that 61% “wanted to see if their online posts are getting likes and comments”(8). The negative attention around social media has impacted people greatly. Blogging sites such as Tumblr have become a congregation for “pro-ana” and “thinspiration,” or “thinspo” (3). These “tags” enhance the hardship of extreme weight loss (3). A popular social media hashtag, called “thinspiration movement” shows how to accomplish a thigh-gap (3). There is a trend for women and girls to attain a gap between the thighs when standing with feet touching (3). Some women and girls assume by acquiring a thigh gap that “they have become a member of an exclusive club,” says Barbara Greenberg (3). Bone structure determines whether a woman's inner thighs touch (3). Other trends include graphic pictures of thin females with captions such as "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels,” "ribcage is the new black,” and “do not eat anything today that you will regret tomorrow” (3). Young teens and children often feel pressured to be a certain weight. A survey of 9 and 10 year olds concluded that 40% have attempted to lose weight (7). At age 13, 53% of American girls are “unhappy with their bodies” (7). Another study showed that 1 in 3 pre-adolescent girls are determined to lose weight (3). This is a trend …show more content…

Americans with negative self-esteem and body image are at risk (3). More than 8 million Americans have an eating disorder (7). 5 to 10% is males who either have bulimia or anorexia (7). The other 90% is females between the ages of 12 and 25 (7). The extra time spent on media, the more likely an eating disorder is developed (2). America’s fascination and exposure with celebrities’ lives have caused an obsession with body image (10). Bodies have become the latest and biggest pop cultural obsessions (10). People tune in on the internet or turn on the television and are subjected to the newest photo or videos of celebrities. This is a constant that is unlikely to change. Media shows impractical role models which lead to dissatisfaction with body image

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