
American Life in the Seventeenth Century: Study Notes

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Ch3 Review 1. Most seventeenth-century English migrants to the North American colonies were laborers. 2. By 1700, English colonial landowners began to rely more heavily on African slavery because of a declining birthrate in England. 3. Regarding colonial life expectancy during the seventeenth century, life expectancy in New England was unusually high. 4. In the seventeenth century, white women in colonial Chesapeake averaged one pregnancy for every two years of marriage. 5. Compared to women in colonial Chesapeake, New England women were more likely to have their family remain intact. 6. In colonial New England, dowries were a common feature of marriage. 7. In colonial New England Puritan communities, the family was …show more content…

43. After the Bible, the first widely circulated publications in colonial America were almanacs. 44. The wide availability of reading material in colonial America was the result of the spread of printing technology. 45. Which statement regarding colonial higher education is true? Most colleges were founded by religious groups. Colonists placed a low value on any formal education. Parliament regulated the establishment of American colleges. Most colonial colleges accepted female students. Most colonial leaders after 1700 went abroad to study. 46. The first American college was Harvard. 47. During a smallpox epidemic in Boston in the 1720s, Puritan theologian Cotton Mather urged the population to get inoculated. 48. By the late seventeenth century, European and African immigrants outnumbered natives along the Atlantic coast. True False 49. Most indentured servants came to the colonies voluntarily. True False 50. Indentured servitude developed out of practices in England. True False 51. Life expectancy in New England was higher than in the rest of British North America. True False 52. In the seventeenth century, it was easy for women to enter the medical field as midwives. True False 53. Harvard College was created by Great Awakening ministers as a school for future ministers. True False 54. Most women who entered into the medical profession did so as ________. midwives 55. The journey of Africans to

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