
American Pageant Chapter 23 Outline

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Brittany Manzello Chapter 19 - The South and West Transformed Prophets and goals of the New South Henry Grady of the Atlanta Constitution Advocated popular ideas to create a “New South“ Industrial development Agricultural variety other than cotton Economic diversity leads to real democracy Economic growth in the New South Textile mills Tobacco 1. The Dukes and the American Tobacco Company Coal and iron ore Lumber Agriculture in the New South Problems in southern agriculture Land ownership rare Sharecropping Tenant farming Small landholders use the crop-lien system Fosters perennial debt among small landowners Pushes farmers to grow cash crops, primarily cotton or tobacco Efforts to increase yield of cash …show more content…

“Report on the Condition of the Indian Tribes,“ 1867 Decision to place Indians on reservations George Custer and the Battle of Little Bighorn, 1876 Continued Native American resistance Modocs, 1871–1872 Nez Pearce and Chief Joseph, 1877 Geronimo and the Apache, 1886 The Ghost Dance and Wounded Knee, 1890 Demise of the buffalo Negative impact on Indians Environmental factors diminishing buffalo separate from settlement Reform of Indian policy Impact of Helen Hunt Jackson’s A Century of Dishonor The Dawes Severalty Act Goal of Dawes Act: well intentioned effort to “Americanize“ Indians Effect of Dawes Act: more opportunities for white plundering of Indian lands, further undermining of traditional Indian cultures Cowboys and cattle in the West Joseph McCoy and Abilene Impact of railroads on expansion of the cattle industry Growing cattle industry spurs rapid growth of the region The role of railroad refrigeration Decline of long drives and end of the open range Joseph Glidden and barbed wire Expanding number of homesteads Rise of sheepherding Impacts of severe winters and long droughts Range wars over conflicting land and water rights Farmers in the West Homestead Act of 1862 encourages

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