
American Politics And Heritage Of The United States

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Ever since elementary, we have been asked the question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” The question stayed the same throughout junior high and high school but the answers are constantly changing, at least they are in my case. I was that typical child, the one who dreamed of exploring space and all of its mysteries. However after trying to say quantum physics like a NASA scientist I soon decided that my exploration of that particular career came to a close. Around 7th grade, I was enrolled in a United States history class and enjoyed the studies of American politics and heritage. I soon set out to be the first female president, disregarding my financial standings as a broke-unemployed junior high teenager. This aspiration stuck …show more content…

Both classes soon lead me to the profession of a Nurse Practitioner. Education is an important part of becoming anything in today’s society. The good news in choosing to be N.P is that there is no med school involved, just majoring in biology. For starters, a Nurse Practitioner must major in biology and obtain a masters of the science in nursing that usually takes 2-3 years on top of the 4 year degree. In total, a Nurse Practitioner will go to school for 6-7 years not including their licensure requirements. The requirements to be permitted a licenses to practice nursing, also considered post undergraduate prerequisites, are passing the National Council Licensure Examination. In passing this national exam, it proves that registered nurses have the skills and ability to work in the health field professionally. After completing the Master 's program, N.P’s are eligible to be assigned a professional certification which may be obtained through the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners and American Nurses Credentialing Center. After speaking with Sarah Patterson, DNP for 3 years and a Nurse for 13, she expresses her love for her job and enjoys making people’s lives better. She suggests that the job is a difficult one and is for someone who has integrity and self motivation, “There are a lot of things that happen behind closed doors and it takes somebody that will follow through and has that drive to follow through even if it is passed 5

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