
American System Dbq

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The American System created by Madison helped build unity in the early American Republic by creating tariffs, a national bank, and making improvements to transportation. The American System Henry Clay proposed this idea to President Madison to help unify the nation economically and socially. The American System was designed to unify the nation and strengthen the current economy. The American System would achieve this in three ways. One way was by making tariffs as a source of protection. Another way was to create a national bank to get loans and collect interest. The last way was to develop a more advanced means of transportation such as railroads, rivers, etc. Overall, the American System created and encouraged the growth of a self-sustaining economy. One way the American System help unify the nation in early American Republic was to create protective tariffs. Tariffs like the Tariff of 1816 supposedly protected and helped Americans in the Industrial Revolution. The Tariff of 1816 put a tax on imported goods that would increase the cost of foreign goods and eliminate the price advantage. This tariff resulted in Americans not buying expensive goods. The Tariff of 1816 would essentially pay for internal improvements such as roads, canals, and lighthouses. The tariff increased the government income and encouraged domestic …show more content…

The national bank, which was established by Alexander Hamilton, helped Americans in many ways. One, the national banks was a way to store money for individuals. Two, it was a place to give out money temporarily. This money lending process was named a loan. The main purpose of the national bank was to supply paper money and handle government funds. Although Jackson opposed it, the national bank became a very successful concept. The national bank earned money from collecting interest from people that would then be used for American interests like

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