
An Analysis Of Chapter 4: Secular Music In The Colonial, Revolutionary And Federal Periods

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Chapter 4: Secular Music in the Colonial, Revolutionary and Federal Periods
Public concerts started to perform in some of the bigger American cities around the late 1720s. Americans showed little interest in formal concert music in the 18th century. The outstanding composers around that time were Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, who lived from 1756-1790. Also Franz Joseph Haydn, who lived from 1732-1809. The two composers were both Austrians. American audiences had little experience with serious audiences had little experience with serious music, early concerts, marches and dance tunes. Some popular concert attractions were organ, piano, marching troops, and bugle calls.
Music in Everyday Experience In rural places they have combined work and social affairs examples of these are barn raisings, maple sugaring, and also corn husking. Singing, fiddling, dancing, and other musical activities accompanied these events. African, Native American, Caribbean, French, and Spanish all were apart of music in New Orleans due to this they think music there must have been rich and varied. Publishing music became a popular business, producing quantities of sheet music appropriate for the amateur performer that had mostly simple vocal and piano pieces. Americans got instruments like violins, guitars, oboes, and flutes. Keyboard instruments were …show more content…

In 1778 with the stress of the war the continental congress noted the “frequenting play houses and theater entertainments has a fatal tendency to divert the minds of people from due attention to the means necessary for the distance of their country and preservation of their liberties.” The congress banned all theater performances, the ban was then lifted in 1789, and a year later was the passing of copyright. Musical theater grew as the interest in music and the theater moved to New York then

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