
Analgesic and Facilitator Pain Assessment

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Individual Research Article Critique Presentation Resource: The research study that you selected in Week Two Develop a 10- to 15-minute presentation in which you address the following points (7 pts): • Strengths and weaknesses of the study • Theoretical and methodological limitations • Evidence of researcher bias • Ethical and legal considerations related to the protection of human subjects • Relationship between theory, practice, and research • Nurse’s role in implementing and disseminating research • How the study provides evidence for evidence-based practice • Identify the following for the research study selected (choose 1 or 2 NOT BOTH): 8 pts. • …show more content…

In 2002, the American Geriatrics Society established comprehensive guidelines for assessing behavioral indicators of pain.1 More recently, the American Society for Pain Management Nursing Task Force on Pain Assessment in the Nonverbal Patient (including persons with dementia) recommended a comprehensive, hierarchical approach that integrates selfreport and observations of pain behaviors.11 Recently, tools to measure pain in persons with dementia have proliferated. In 2006, a comprehensive stateof-the-science review of 14 observational pain measures was completed. The authors concluded that existing tools are still in the early stages of development and testing and that more psychometric work is needed before tools are recommended for broad adoption in clinical practice.12 Others, including an interdisciplinary expert consensus P JAGS 57:126–132, 2009 r 2008, Copyright the Authors Journal compilation r 2008, The American Geriatrics Society 0002-8614/09/$15.00 JAGS JANUARY 2009–VOL. 57, NO. 1 PAIN ASSESSMENT IN PERSONS WITH DEMENTIA 127 panel on pain assessment in older persons,13 have corroborated these conclusions.14 In particular, these authors highlight the need for more evaluation of observational pain measures, including validation against the criterion standard of self-report in intact and impaired populations. Almost all research on measuring pain in persons with dementia has focused exclusively on

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