
Analysis Of Andria Martin 's Experience With Her Fitbit Flex

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Everyone is in control of his or her life. No one, except the individual, knows exactly what tactics work when it comes to health. It can often be a process of trial and error. Andria Martin’s experience with her Fitbit Flex is exemplified through a summary, the writer’s personal reaction, as well as conclusions that are derived from personal opinions. Andria has struggled with eating disorders for many years throughout her lifetime. She has been able to overcome them through the help of a therapist. When she received her Fitbit Flex, she began to experience complications that relate to her health and exercise once again. She felt unsatisfied with herself if she did not exercise enough. Andria rearranged her daily schedule in order to take more exercise classes. She skipped meals so she had time to exercise. If Andria did not reach her goals on her Fitbit Flex, she felt guilty and purged out of distress (Martin, 2015). The small device held so much power over her that it was unhealthy. The Fitbit Flex is a band worn around the wrist, and the device notifies its users of when exercise and diet goals are attained by buzzing and lighting up (Martin, 2015). Andria became addicted to the Fitbit Flex because of its positive reinforcement when she would reach her goals. It records all food intake, as well as every move she makes. Andria became obsessed with the device and being fit that she began to walk down unwanted territory. The Fitbit Flex caused her eating

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