
Analysis Of Annie Dillard's Pilgrim At Tinker Creek

Decent Essays

Annie Dillard’s effective use of language and style reflect and further the opinions she voices within “Pilgrim at Tinker Creek”. She knows how to reel the audience in and then strengthens her points with such detailed descriptions of every little thing. A common theme throughout this classic is about seeing and gaining the ability to be able to see things for their beauty and what they really are. Dillard also wants her audience to see the things that are usually not noticeable or sometimes even taken for granted. Things such as objects, events and creatures, Dillard does a great job at making the words on the pages jump out and come to life. She first points out the tomcat. She vividly describes how this big bloody-pawed tomcat would lay …show more content…

This goes along with her motif about nature and how remarkable it is. She provides us with a quote from Einstein which states, "nature conceals her mystery by means of her essential grandeur, not by her cunning" (9). Dillard, by using this quote, takes an abstract thought and creates this image in our heads. She points out how impressive nature is thus nudging her readers to think about nature in its entirety while picturing what she believes to be impressive. "Nature is like one of those line drawings of a tree that are puzzles for children," she also states, "Unfortunately nature is very much a now-you-see-it, now-you-don’t affair" (18-19). She is able to capture these images by comparing nature to a drawing of a tree. She makes her readers aware that if you do not stop and analyze it carefully and thoroughly in the present, making sure you are seeing it for what it truly is, it will quickly pass by and you will miss it. She takes this abstract thought about nature and proceeds to say, "If we were to judge nature by its coming sense or likelihood, we wouldn't believe the world existed. In nature improbabilities are the one stock in trade" (146). Dillard expresses her own ideas about nature and claims that if society judges nature, we would not believe that it was real. She is trying to make the point that individuals need to stop looking to nature to get answers about the

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